Finding a support system is crucial to being uplifted and encouraged as a single parent.
Whether it is having someone as a listening ear, turning to a fellow parent for advice, or seeking
local support to help you manage childcare, finding community can remind you that you aren’t
alone — that there are people walking alongside you.

However, discovering community can be a task in and of itself. When looking to connect with
other single parents or support groups, it can be tricky to know where to begin. To help you get
started, here are three ways that single parents can find others to connect with, share
experiences, and seek support.

1. Babysitting


Finding a reliable babysitter can not only decrease your workload, providing relief and an
opportunity for rest, but it can also allow you to be more involved in other’s lives around you.
From getting a night to hang out with your friends to having a backup person to call in case of
emergencies, having one or two caretakers on your speed dial can ease stress and remind you
that you don’t have to do everything on your own. Plus, you can even start a babysitting network
with other single parents, creating a revolving schedule of caretaking and providing the chance
to build relationships with others.

2. Local support groups

Having community with parents near you is so valuable, but sometimes it is hard to make initial
connections. Luckily, there are resources to find already existing local support groups. can help you find other single parents and give you the opportunity to meet in
person. Similarly, Parents Without Partners is a nonprofit with chapters of single parents all
around the world you can join! Beyond formal groups, you can also plug into your local
community by attending neighborhood events, meeting parents at a city park, or even attending
a nearby church! Meeting with others regularly can help you feel less isolated, providing
additional avenues of support.

3. Online communities

Though there is definitely value in face-to-face relationships, online communities can be another
option to make connections with other single parents. In these forums, you can find valuable
advice, support, and resources. Facebook groups like Surviving Single Parenthood are full of
thousands of members to connect with. Other sites, such as the Single Moms and Single Dads
Support Group
and Daily Strength, have forums specifically designed for single parents to
discuss hard topics, read resources, and connect with others who have similar interests!

At H.O.P.E. Inc., we know community is crucial for single parents to feel supported and thrive in
their everyday lives. Through rent assistance, life coaching, and childcare funding, we want to
be a resource of support for single parents as they pursue higher education, lifting as many
burdens as we can off their shoulders.

If you are interested in H.O.P.E.’s mission and services, you can learn more about how to
become a participant or get involved today!