News & Insights2024-03-13T09:44:25+00:00

We’re hoping it does!

They say that April showers bring May flowers, but does it? Is there really hope on the other side of this pandemic? We certainly believe there is hope. We see it every week through the actions of our donors. Here's a video telling you just how much they've supported single-parentRead More

Had you found the same?

I received a call from a monthly donor a few weeks ago stating that she was doing her monthly budget when she realized she had more income than in previous months due to a decrease in expenses from being quarantined. She immediately called to see if she could increase herRead More

The Fight is Not Over!

Hey HOPE Family,  We will not allow the coronavirus to stop our commitment to single parents. Why? Because despite the challenges this virus has created, we still have single-parent families who depend on us. They cannot wait until “normalcy” returns. Therefore, we will not rest while they wait for governmentRead More

Did you really help? Yes, you did!

Hi There, We try to never leave you hanging when you support our single-parent families and our mission. It is my hope that you always feel informed and know where your dollars are going. Below, I have created a video (don't worry it's brief and fun) that will update youRead More

H.O.P.E. is now global!

Thank you once again for contributing to our GlobalGiving campaign! You've truly helped our single parents and our organization in our time of need! Because of your generosity, we not only met our fundraising goal, but we surpassed it, generating $5,557. What made our victory even sweeter is that itRead More

Help HOPE Provide Emergency Services During Current Health Crisis

  As more and more states across the country respond to the world's current health crisis by implementing shutdowns and social distancing, we at H.O.P.E. are continuing to provide rent and childcare assistance to single parents enrolled in college, while also providing emergency assistance to address food, utilities, and other needs. Sadly,Read More


My name is Vlairis, I am a single mother of a three-year-old, and I was a full-time dental hygiene student. My dream had always been to work in healthcare since I was a little girl and that dream continued as I went through high school. I found out aboutRead More

Today is the Day!

It's March 9th! Today is the day that we kick off our Global Giving Project that we told you about a couple of days ago. The purpose of this project is to help seven single parents complete their college degrees this year and increase the number of single parents weRead More

What would you do?

What would you do with a 121% increase in salary? I would imagine that things would look quite different financially for you. You would be in a new tax bracket, economic class, could possibly afford to purchase things you've dreamt about, and would certainly improve your quality of life, right?Read More

Sweetest Memory!

This time fifteen years ago, I gave birth to my youngest boy (thus far), Marcus! It was surreal because his actual due date was Valentine's Day, and I remember thinking there was no way he would be born on that day. I was 25 years old, and studying for aRead More

In less than 30 days…

Hey there, In less than 30 days, my world as I know it will change. You've heard stories about how I became a single mom at age 21, and have raised my two biological sons, and stepson, Deon Jr., to beat the odds. Well, within 4 weeks there will beRead More

Imagine That….

I know that your inbox has been overwhelmed with Cyber Monday deals and now Giving Tuesday ask. I understand how it can all be so overwhelming, but the day is almost over and you have already helped Destinee walk across that stage! Thank you for meeting our goal of $1,000!Read More

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