A thirty-year old, single female who lives with her five-year old daughter. Melissa contacted H.O.P.E. Inc. for financial assistance due to the fact that she had to switch from full-time to part-time employment because of her college studies and internship schedule. Her recently reduced income was making it difficult for her to financially provide for her daughter, while she worked part-time, attended college and interned, leading her to experience additional issues with childcare and scheduling conflicts.
Melissa is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at Georgia State University and will graduate in Spring 2014. After graduation, she intends to continue her studies and enroll in the university’s Social Work Master’s program. Melissa currently works part-time at a local restaurant and interns at a nursing home, assisting social workers in caring for geriatric residents. Melissa is the sole provider for her young daughter who is enrolled kindergarten.
Client Situation
Melissa was referred to H.O.P.E. Inc. by one of her professors since she was in need of rent assistance to help care for her daughter while she was in college. As a full-time college student, who worked full-time, Melissa had to cut back her work schedule to part-time since college graduation requirements mandated that she also enroll in a social work internship program while taking her classes full-time. As a mother, Melissa’s schedule was very limited. She could not seek full-time work in the evening hours because she had to be at home with her daughter. A reduced household income was making it difficult for Melissa to financially provide for her daughterand maintain a very difficult class schedule.
Melissa reached out to H.O.P.E. Inc. for help. After completing her application, Melissa was able to speak with H.O.P.E. Inc.’s President, who let her know that the organization would be able to assist her with financial assistance to pay her rent. After a couple of weeks, H.O.P.E. Inc. secured the funds that were needed so that Melissa could continue to provide for her daughter and also ensure that there was no interruption in her college studies. Because of H.O.P.E. Inc.’s financial assistance, Melissa will be able to graduate from college on time.
“H.O.P.E. Inc. was very encouraging to me through the whole process. It felt very good to have someone’s support that understood the special needs of a single mother like me, trying to work, provide for my young daughter, and pursue a college education. I want to encourage anyone who is trying to balance work, college, and motherhood to give them a call and learn more about how they can help. The good thing is, H.O.P.E. Inc. will let you know that you’re not alone.”
H.O.P.E. Inc.’s services and support have not only helped Melissa stay on schedule to graduate from college, intern at a nursing home, and serve on a geriatric task force, but has set her on a path to consider a career in social work gerontology – meeting the needs of America’s aging society.